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Mozambikes and our old name´s shop Casa Abilio Bike

Three years ago I was in my the adventure in Mozambique! Time Flys....
Today I read the first article that I wrote for the Mozambikes blog and I see that even the name of our brand has changed. If I went with the brand of Casa Abilio Bike, today I read with the new "tattoo" Abilio Bikes Shop & Rentals.
It was a unique summer where the goal corporate social responsibility, in our busiiness started with the first steps. In the beautiful African continent and, in a country as Mozambique, the work that Mozambikes does is essential to help disadvantaged populations to improve their living conditions with the use of bicycles and fight poverty. Populations that walk kms and kms on foot to go to work, to school or to the hospital, definitely, the use of the bicycle is essential to improve their daily lives.

I remember so well the adventure that was, after making a donation with the Foundation Mozambique Sur, at Casa do Gaiato, to teach a group of women to ride a bike and what a beautiful and funny experience. Surely we have put a grain of happiness, in the lives of that group of rural women, who struggle every day for their dignity.
I have smiles in my mind and happy memories of those months in Mozambique!
Thank you Mozambikes for the unique experience and for your daily work in helping poor people across the country. 

And since the Christmas is arriving... you can donate bikes and smiles.

Here we are as Ambassador of Mozambikes:

About the Author

Rita Branquinho, Marketing & Digital Communication Manager
RNAAT 23/2011